Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentist in Germantown, MD

Research has shown that when you smile you can actually trick yourself into feeling happy. There’s a whole slew of health benefits that come along with those happy feelings including lower levels of stress and an elevated immune system. We can’t say for certain that spiffing up your smile will improve your health but we offer some services that might make you feel more inclined to flash your smile!

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smiling man and woman standing back to back

Professional Teeth Whitening

One of the quickest and most affordable ways to give your smile some dazzle is professional teeth whitening. Over-the-counter whiteners and strips don’t provide the same level of strength or consistent results as our professional solutions. We have a whitening option designed for different needs, budgets and schedules.

  • KöR® Deep Bleaching is a treatment that is powerful enough to brighten your teeth by up to 16 shades, but it’s still gentle enough for our patients with tooth sensitivity.
  • One-visit whitening can take your smile up to eight shades whiter but it’s completed in a single one-hour office visit!
  • Custom trays are a perfect fit to keep our professional-strength whitening gel close to your teeth and allow you to get great results in the comfort of your own home.
  • One-size trays still provide excellent results and they are a good option for our patients who want to whiten their teeth on a budget.

Dental Veneers

Veneers can provide a complete smile makeover or fix a few misshapen teeth. The possibilities are numerous. These thin sheets of durable porcelain are hand-crafted to enhance the beauty of your smile. They are bonded to the front of your existing teeth and can cover teeth that are too discolored for whitening, close gaps and cover chips and cracks. They can even make slightly crooked teeth appear straighter. Our dentists will work with you to create the look you want. We match the veneers to the nearby natural teeth so they look natural and realistic.

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